Motivation: The Struggle Is Real!

Lack of motivation seems to be rampant right now, and I have to tell you, I wrestle it daily.

Numerous people have mentioned to me they have all the time in the world right now due to the pandemic and social isolation, but they are getting very little done. We are going to bed later and later, and are getting up later. For a lot of us, work is non existent, or has changed to work-from-home routines, while also home schooling the kids.

Partially we are overwhelmed with all the bad news, and we are unable to accomplish the simplest tasks quickly, such as cleaning and shopping. There are many changes in our lives, right now, and due to social isolation we are having to handle it all pretty much alone and the best we can do is tell our friends about it over a Zoom session.

All these changes and being stuck in the house make it difficult to stick to a schedule.

So what can you do?

  • Set your alarm, get up, make a list.
  • Go walk.
  • Turn off your phone while working on your tasks.
  • If you are working from home, take regular breaks.
  • Even if you are working on personal projects (sorting pictures, crafts, painting, gardening, home improvement), add it to your schedule, but leave enough time for a walk, a coffee break, a nap.
  • Try to finish your projects in a day, or a week, before you start a new one.
  • Challenge your friends! Support each other.
  • Do things with your family if you are lucky enough to have people in isolation with you.
  • …and schedule regular chats with family/friends to share about what you are doing each day!

Believe me, once you get going, it becomes like a game. I schedule days off and try to stick to a weekend too…walking daily breeds energy, and you can have safe social interaction with your neighbors with a wave, chat over the fence. All these things make you feel productive, which creates excitement and motivation.

Let me know how it goes!